Thursday, September 5, 2013

The dirtbag solution

Alrighty we all remember this character from the last post right..

Well... this mad man tore a hole in the earth with the the fury of the fist of an angry god.

 Once the dust settled there were bags multiplying everywhere..

 The walls were built up to hold back any of the sand from wash out and cave in.

 They just kept going and going.. just look at them in the background they keep showing up..

There is a layer across the bottom as well to block from roots on any nearby trees or burrowing god look at that pile of sandbags in the back there..

There is a deep corner at ~3' and it staggers up by 5 inches every 12-18".
The entire pond area is ~6' x ~6'  inner dimensions, 12-18" ledge and 8'x8' external framing.
Upon stretching the liner a little and filling with some water, the kiddo and I took the opportunity to have a water gun fight and a dip in the water to cool off after school.
Size comparison, my kiddo is ~44" tall.
To the left side of this picture we cut in a skimmer channel to a 55 gallon barrel that was sunk in the ground next to the pond. This provided me with a semi filtered sump area to use as a base to start my plumbing.

The skimmer channel acts as a spillway into the sump barrel.

With the sump installed and the pond liner stretched, cut, and sandwiched between a couple 2x6's, I started filling up the pond to let nature take it's course. Before too long the bugs and frogs started hanging out providing us with a nighttime serenade.

At this point I had set my sights back on mounting beds and plumbing which is what I will cover next.

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